Users can use and adapt these materials to plan and implement their own Family Café’s with ECE programs, families, and primary caregivers of young children. 

Questions? Contact

Administrative Resources

Better Together Family Cafés Toolkit English | Spanish

Evaluation Surveys:

HOPE Building Blocks

Four Building Blocks of HOPE English | Spanish
Building HOPE in the Face of Adversity English | Spanish
Ten Ways to Promote Positive Childhood Experiences English | Spanish

Building Hope and Resilience Together

PowerPoint with Notes English | Spanish
Four Building Blocks of HOPE English | Spanish
Building HOPE in the Face of Adversity English | Spanish
Ten Ways to Promote Positive Childhood Experiences English | Spanish

Active Play: Active Families, Active Children: How Everyone Benefits from Movement

PowerPoint with Notes English | Spanish
Four Building Blocks of HOPE  English | Spanish
Physical Activity Calendar (English only)
Ten Tips to be an Active Family (English only)

Child Nutrition: Cooking Up Healthy Lifestyles

PowerPoint with Notes English | Spanish
Four Building Blocks of HOPE  English | Spanish
Child Nutrition Resource Links English | Spanish

Family Style Dining: Creating Memories at Mealtime

PowerPoint with Notes English | Spanish
Four Building Blocks of HOPE  English | Spanish
Family Style Dining Tips English | Spanish

Screen Time: Managing Screen Time in a Technology World

PowerPoint with Notes English | Spanish
Four Building Blocks of HOPE  English | Spanish
Managing Screen Time in a Technology World English | Spanish
AAP Media Plan (English Only)