Farm to ECE Learning Collaborative Materials
Use and adapt the following materials to plan and implement your own Farm to ECE Learning Collaboratives with ECE programs. The materials below support Farm to ECE Learning Collaboratives across three content areas.
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- Farm to ECE Orientation
- Gardening
Learning Session 1: Introduction to Gardening
Learning Session 2: Benefits of Gardening with Young Children
Learning Session 3: Gardening in ECE Programs
Learning Session 4: Getting Started with Growing
Learning Session 5: Maintaining Your ECE Program’s Garden
Learning Session 6: Celebrating Success and Sustaining Your Garden
- Food and Farming Education
Food and Farming Education Facilitator Guide
Food and Farming Education Resource Guide
Learning Session 1: Introduction to Food and Farming Education
Learning Session 2: Food and Farming Education Benefits
Learning Session 3: Nutrition Education
Learning Session 4: Farming and Agriculture Education
Learning Session 5: Family Engagement
Learning Session 6: Celebrating Success and Sustaining Healthy Changes
- Local Foods, Healthy Kids
Local Foods, Healthy Kids Facilitator Guide
Local Foods, Healthy Kids Resource Guide
Learning Session 1: Introduction to Local Foods
Learning Session 2: Sourcing Local Foods- What? When? Where? How?
Learning Session 3: Preparing Local Foods and Food Safety
Learning Session 4: Menu Planning with Local Foods
Learning Session 5: Serving Local Foods and Family Engagement
Learning Session 6: Celebrating Success and Sustaining Healthy Changes