2024-2025 Springboard Opportunities

2024-2025 Springboard Opportunities

2024-2025 Springboard Opportunities Offered by CDC and Nemours Children’s Health for States to Advance Early Care and Education Work

What is the Healthy Kids, Healthy Future: Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP)?

HKHF TAP provides support to early care and education (ECE) organizations to integrate best practices and standards for healthy eating, physical activity, breastfeeding support, and reducing screen time in ECE systems and settings. HKHF TAP is made possible through a subcontract with the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists under a Cooperative Agreement, NU38PW000047-01-01, with funding from the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

Who should participate?

Program managers, ECE program state leads, nutrition staff, physical activity staff, and any interested program staff. 

*Organizations/agencies must have a health department nutritionist(s) as part of the Springboard project team. 

Springboards offered this year include:

  • Physical Activity Learning Sessions (PALS) with Nemours Children’s
  • *New* Learning Collaborative Train the Trainer with Nemours Children’s
  • Early Childhood Learning Environments and Gardening with Young Children courses from Natural Learning Initiative, NC State University
  • Translation Services
  • Springboard Funding with Nemours Children’s

Expression of Interest: 

  1. Review the Springboard Webinar presentation and supplemental documents.
  2. Discuss the opportunities with your state partners and stakeholders and explore which may make the most sense in your state.
  3. Complete the online Expression of Interest form, selecting up to two (2) opportunities. 
    • Nemours Children’s will accept one submission per state. Applicants should coordinate with partners in their states to craft a single submission for the state and avoid duplicative submissions 
  4. Nemours Children’s may request a 1:1 follow up call with states if necessary. 
  5. Commit to access, implement, and integrate the Springboard Opportunity into your existing plans. 

For more information, email Hannah Press @ Hannah.Press@nemours.org