CACFP 50th Celebration

CACFP 50th Celebration

They say “a picture is a worth a 1,000 words.” What would a thousand pictures be worth? Let’s find out together.

May 8th, 2018 is the 50th Birthday of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Nemours Children’s Health System and the National CACFP Forum want to celebrate with the entire CACFP community by creating a billboard-sized birthday card on Capitol Hill. The birthday card will be a mosaic made of thousands of images from community programs serving CACFP meals and snacks!

We need your help to do this.

April 1st through April 14th we are seeking to collect over 3,000 pictures from the entire CACFP community so the birthday card can reflect the good work being done to feed children nutritious meals in programs all over the United States.

Additional Incentives:
If you submit a photo of your program participating in a Healthy Celebration, your program will be entered into a drawing for Kaplan materials, courtesy of Nemours Children’s Health System and sponsored by Kaplan. Three programs who submit a photo and story through the CACFP 50th Birthday Celebration form will be selected to win a prize.

Looking for ideas for healthy classroom celebrations?

  • Healthy Kids, Healthy Future has some ideas for healthy celebrations and many examples of what other programs have done.
  • Discover MyPlate offers ideas to help you incorporate healthy snacks and physical activity into classroom celebrations for holidays and the end of the school year.
  • Healthier Generation has ideas for non-food celebrations as well as healthy snack and beverage ideas to use in your classrooms.

How to submit a picture?
There are a few options:

Please see below regarding permissions.*

It’s important to us to ensure this billboard sized birthday card mosaic is a true representation of the impact the CACFP makes in the large variety of settings meals are served — we hope you’ll help.

Let’s take the opportunity to thank Congress for the great work they’ve done by funding and continually expanding a child nutrition program that feeds billions of nutritious meals to millions of children every year — for 50 years — and encourage them to continue to do so for another 50.

*Permission/Disclaimer: Persons submitting pictures to the CACFP Forum certify that the parents of the children in the pictures have signed a written release form giving permission for the photo to be released to the CACFP Forum for their use in the Forum’s 50th birthday celebration. The CACFP Forum is not liable for the use it makes of such pictures. Such a release form could state: “I _______ (name of parent) hereby give permission for the attached picture of my child to be used by the CACFP Forum for its 50th anniversary celebration.”