Healthy kids,
healthy future

Promoting healthy habits today for a healthier tomorrow



Access healthy eating and physical activity resources to train ECE providers on best practices.


Get kids eating healthy and staying active in your ECE program.


TAP Program

2024-2025 Springboard Opportunities

Offered by CDC and Nemours Children’s Health for States to Advance Early Care and Education Work.

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TAP Program

Webinar Series: ECE Summer 2024 Resource Showcase

Please join Nemours Children’s Health and partners for a three-part Early Care and Education (ECE) Summer 2024 Resource Showcase!

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TAP Program

Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program Virtual Convening

Through this event, state professionals working to create healthier early care and education (ECE) programs and to impact state ECE systems change will come together to learn more about nutrition and physical activity topics and interventions.

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TAP Program

Better Together was a project led by Nemours Children’s Health and Go NAPSACC

Implemented in Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, and Mississippi, Better Together improved healthy eating and physical activity policies, environments, and practices within state systems and participating early care and education (ECE) programs.

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Kids Yoga

Physical Activity Learning Sessions (PALS)

PALS is an out-of-the-box training for early care and education providers on physical activity.

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Fruit Bowl

Nourishing Preschoolers

Nourishing Preschoolers is an online course for early care and education (ECE) professionals.

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Children spend many hours in early care and education (ECE) settings. ECE providers have an important role in influencing what children eat and how active they are throughout the day. Let’s help kids develop healthy habits early. Learn more about the 5 Healthy Goals to promote healthy growth and development.

Physical Activity

Increase Physical Activity

Give kids daily opportunities to be active in safe spaces indoors and outdoors.


Improve Food Choices

Serve fruits, vegetables, and other healthy options. Healthy eating is essential for child development and long-term health.


Provide Healthy Beverages

Make water readily available. Hydrating the body is important so children can play, explore and learn throughout the day.

Breast Feeding


Create a breastfeeding friendly child care program. Learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding and how to support the feeding choices of all families.

Screen Time

Reduce Screen Time

Limit screen time in ECE settings. Staying active is a key for healthy development.

2024-2025 Springboard Opportunities

2024-2025 Springboard Opportunities Offered by CDC and Nemours Children’s Health for States to Advance Early Care and Education Work What is the Healthy Kids, Healthy Future: Technical Assistance...

Webinar Series: ECE Summer 2024 Resource Showcase

Nemours Children’s Health and partners hosted a three-part webinar series to share new resources and training materials for Early Care and Education (ECE). These resources can be used by ECE...

Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program Virtual Convening

Nemours Children’s Health hosted the 2023 Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP) Virtual Convening on June 6 and 7, 2023. The convening provided attendees the...

Webinar Series: ECE Nutrition and Physical Activity Resource Showcase

Nemours Children’s Health and partners hosted a three-part webinar series to share new resources and training materials for Early Care and Education (ECE). These resources can be used by ECE...