Family Child Care Resources

As a family child care (FCC) provider you are a powerful influence on the children in your care. You create an atmosphere in your home where children can thrive. Modeling healthy habits through your home environment, daily activities, and collaboration with families can make a huge impact on the well-being of the kids you care for.

These resources can enhance your curricula and professional development as you strive to incorporate more healthy goals into your family child care program.

Curricula and Lesson Plan Ideas
Professional Development and Trainings

Family Child Care FUNdamentals can be taught in one-hour intervals or in a seven-hour workshop to assist family child care providers to promote health and wellness in their child care home.

Healthy Kids, Healthy Future learning modules were developed in partnership with PennState, Better Kid Care, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These learning modules provide practical strategies for implementing best practices in early childhood settings for promoting healthy habits in young children. The series includes six lessons that cover background information for childhood obesity prevention and the five best practice goals: increase physical activity, limit screen time, offer healthy beverages, serve healthy food, and support breastfeeding.

Community Resources

Child Care Aware of America provides tools and resources to support child care providers, as well as assist individuals interested in opening a family child care home or center.

Important Safety Rules To Teach Children: This resource was developed to provide parents with ideas to teach young kids essential safety rules to help them protect themselves in different situations growing up.

National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education helps child care providers promote healthy and safe child care and early education programs.

National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) is a non-profit organization that works with family child care providers to promote family child care and strengthen the profession as a whole.

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) provides reimbursements to licensed family child care providers for serving healthy and nutritious foods to children. CACFP family child care resources include: