How ECE Providers Built Bridges in Arkansas

Even though early care and education (ECE) providers in the National Early Care and Education Learning Collaborative (ECELC) were learning about healthy goals, they found it challenging to make connections and build relationships with other providers in their respective areas. Providers felt they had limited time and resources.
Through ECELC, providers in Faulkner and Mississippi County in Arkansas found unique solutions to this challenge. These providers formed bridges with other providers in their counties and have found lasting partnerships and friendships.
Providers found ways to help each other beyond the learning sessions. One center was able to provide successful tips on how they made family-style dining work for their center. The director of this center invited the other programs to visit her center to observe the family-style dining in action. Another center connected one provider to a local non-profit to help them get their playground resurfaced. A few of the small centers were able to discuss getting together to plan a healthy parent night activity.
Connections were made, bridges were built, and partnerships and friendships were formed—all keeping healthy goals and healthy children in mind.