Healthy Kids, Healthy Future is a national effort to empower early care and education providers to make positive health changes in their child care programs. Building healthy habits early can have a lasting impact on children as they grow and develop.

Healthy Kids, Healthy Future:

    • Encourages and supports providers to improve their programs around healthy eating and physical goals
    • Provides training and technical assistance for state agencies, organizations, and ECE professionals to create healthier environments
    • Brings together national and state organizations to share experiences in advancing healthy eating and physical activity and learn from each other

Let's Move Child Care helps kids get more movement in every day.

HKHF promotes five main goals for ECE programs to strive for:

  1. Nurture Healthy Eaters
  2. Provide Healthy Beverages
  3. Get Kids Moving
  4. Reduce Screen Time
  5. Support Breastfeeding

All types of ECE programs can work toward these healthy goals: family child care homes, centers, Early Head Start and Head Start programs, pre-K, preschool, tribal child care programs, and faith-based.