Breastfeeding Moms Need A Supportive Workplace As Well As A Private Room

Breastfeeding Moms Need A Supportive Workplace As Well As A Private Room

Despite steps being taken to support breastfeeding mothers in the workforce, there are still about 27.6 million women of childbearing age left without the basic necessities to meet their breastfeeding goals. As a result, moms and their infants are missing out on vital health benefits. In 2015, 4 out of 5 mothers (83.2 percent) began […]

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10 Things Women Worry About When Breastfeeding

10 Things Women Worry About When Breastfeeding

We know breastfeeding protects infant and maternal health, saves the economy money, and, once it’s going smoothly, can be simpler, easier and cheaper than having to prepare formula. But getting to a place where it feels “smooth and easier” can be tough. Although many women start off breastfeeding, many drop off from doing it after […]

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10 Best Airports for Breastfeeding Moms in the U.S.

10 Best Airports for Breastfeeding Moms in the U.S.

As part of their continuing efforts to help transform the culture of breastfeeding, the lactation pod pioneers at Mamava released their list of the ten best airports for breastfeeding moms in the United States. The recent passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 features provisions for the Friendly Airports for Mothers (FAM) Act, including a […]

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Breastfeeding in the Military

Breastfeeding in the Military

Robyn Roche-Paull, founder of the Breastfeeding in Combat Boots nonprofit organization, partnered with Mom2Mom to speak about breastfeeding in the military. Roche-Paull has received numerous awards for her book, Breastfeeding in Combat Boots: A Survival Guide to Breastfeeding Successfully While Serving in the Military. She holds Bachelor’s degrees in both Nursing and Maternal Child Health […]

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Give Kids a Healthy Start

Give Kids a Healthy Start

According to Harvard School of Public Health, it is almost never too early to lay the foundation for good health. There is evidence that a child’s early years and even time during pregnancy can have an important impact later in life. Women of childbearing age, pregnant mothers, and new mothers can take steps that could […]

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