Nemours Children’s Health Learning Collaboratives

The aim of the Nemours Children’s Health (Nemours Children’s) Learning Collaboratives is to improve physical activity, child nutrition, breastfeeding support, and screen time environments, practices, and policies in ECE settings. The Learning Collaboratives integrate the Wellness Workbook, a program assessment tool developed by Nemours Children’s. These materials are free to use for organizations interested in training ECE providers on best practices in nutrition and physical activity. The Nemours Children’s Learning Collaboratives are an adapted version of the Better Together Learning Collaborative Curriculum.

The Nemours Children’s Learning Collaboratives bring together Leadership Teams from various ECE programs to learn about healthy habits in ECE settings while sharing experiences with each other and implementing new strategies in their own programs. Users can use and adapt these materials to plan and implement their own Learning Collaboratives with ECE programs.

The Learning Collaborative framework includes Learning Sessions, followed by Action Periods where the Leadership Team uses the Wellness Workbook, or another nutrition and physical activity program assessment tool, to assess current program practices, educate fellow staff, and lead staff through a process of change to increase healthy habits. Throughout the Learning Collaboratives, ECE program staff connect with Trainers and each other to create healthier environments for young children.