Technical Assistance Program (TAP) Resources

Use the TAP resources to increase physical activity best practices in early care and education.


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TA Brief

Additional Resources

Picking Up the Pieces: Building a Better Child Care System Post COVID-19 (presentation)

Picking Up the Pieces: Building a Better Child Care System Post COVID-19 (PDF)

Presenters: Dionne Dobbins, Child Care Aware of America; Rebecca Clancy, Child Care Aware of Kansas

Learn about Child Care Aware of America’s report on the changing child care landscape since the beginning of the pandemic. Understand the national impact of the pandemic and hear on-the-ground examples of strategies to help families and providers from a state CCR&R leader.

The Work of System Building: Infusing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity into State Early Care And Education (ECE) Systems  (presentation)

The Work of System Building: Infusing Healthy Eating and Physical Activity into State Early Care And Education (ECE) Systems (PDF)

Presenter: Christopher Botsko, HKHF TAP Evaluator

Learn about a systems change model that has been developed based on the first two years of the Healthy Kids Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program evaluation. The session describes the model and provides examples of state systems change work. 

Building Strong Children: Promoting Social-Emotional Development to Support Healthy Practices in Young Children (presentation)

Building Strong Children: CHERISH (PDF)

Building Strong Children: HOPE (PDF)

Presenters: Dina Burstein, MD, MPH and Robert Sege, MD, PhD, Tufts Medical Center; Kelly Rogers, MPH and Lisa Spector, MD, Nemours Children’s Health System

Learn about the importance of positive childhood experiences for healthy child development and how one promising program in Central Florida is helping to improve the social drivers of poor health in partnership with communities to harness education, resiliency and integrated services for children’s health and wellness.

Following a Data Roadmap to a Healthy Future: Operationalizing GIS Mapping to Advance Your Action Plan (presentation)

Following a Data Roadmap to a Healthy Future: Operationalizing GIS Mapping to Advance Your Action Plan (PDF)

Presenters: Jasmin Springfield and Dionne Dobbins, Child Care Aware of America; Erin Olson, Iowa Department of Public Health

GIS maps can serve as tools to help inform strategies to improve both child care access and children’s health and nutrition initiatives. Explore how to use GIS maps to visualize child care program participation in CACFP, with the goal of expanding CACFP utilization and strengthening child care coalitions.

Related Resources:

» Iowa CACFP Participation in Iowa GIS Map 

» Information about Iowa CACFP Ambassador Stipends and new promotional materials

Maximizing CACFP in the Midst of COVID: Opportunities for Public-Private Partnerships (presentation)

Maximizing CACFP in the Time of COVID – FRAC (PDF)

Maximizing CACFP Opportunities – VECF (PDF)

Presenters: Geraldine Henchy, Food and Research Action Center; Emily Keenum, Virginia Early Childhood Foundation; Donald Goff, Child Care Resources

Learn about federal Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) opportunities, state partnerships, and application of HKHF TAP resources. Discover innovative CACFP Sponsor Organization strategies that can be leveraged to engage more child care centers and family child care homes in CACFP in response to increased needs during the time of COVID-19.

Food Security in ECE Settings during COVID: The Importance of Healthy Food Access & Food Skills Education (presentation)

Food Security in ECE Settings during COVID: The Importance of Healthy Food Access & Food Skills Education (PDF)

Presenters: Caron Gremont Share Our Strength/ No Kid Hungry; Leslie Levine, Cooking Matters Colorado

Learn how improving access to healthy food and providing food skills education can support families, educators, and your state during the COVID pandemic. The latest food insecurity data is addressed; opportunities and challenges on the federal level and with charitable programs is also discussed. In addition, best practices are shared in working with child care providers and families for a comprehensive approach to food insecurity.

Creating Healthy Outdoor Learning Environments (presentation)

Creating Healthy Outdoor Learning Environments (PDF)

Presenters: Nilda Cosco, PhD and Robin Moore, North Carolina State University; Misty Pearson, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control

Naturalization of outdoor learning environments for young children broadens play and learning experiences; contributes to physical activity, healthy eating, and positive physical, social-emotional, and cognitive development; exposes children to living ecosystems and stimulates their curiosity to explore the wonders of nature early in life. Gain an understanding of the impact of different types of naturalized outdoor environments on young children’s behavior and health. Recognize how community strategies can have a profound effect on children’s exposure to different outdoor environments and identify how state health organizations can make an impact on children’s health by adopting behavior-environment approaches.

Please note: All videos are hosted on video sharing sites (such as Vimeo or YouTube) which are not associated with HKHF. HKHF and partners are not responsible for content other than the HKHF videos hosted on these video sharing websites.

The materials on this page are to be used solely for PALS through Nemours © 2022. The Nemours Foundation.