Water And Milk Are The Best Choices

Every beverage we provide to children either nourishes their bodies…or not.   Children naturally get thirsty after playing, sleeping or eating.  They can learn to recognize when they are thirsty and can learn to develop a preference for drinking water to quench their thirst.

Always have the most thirst-quenching and healthy beverage choice—water—available for kids at all times. Water should be served inside and outside, during meals, and be easily accessible throughout the day.

Hydrating the body is important so that children can happily play, explore and learn throughout the day. Each time we offer water to a thirsty child, that child is learning the value of drinking water.

Habits begin in the earliest years.  Children watch, imitate and learn by interacting with you.  They want to do what you do.  If they see you drinking water, they will choose water too.

What else is a good choice for a beverage for young children?  Low-fat milk.  Now is the time to get children into the habit of drinking milk so they can get bone-building calcium, vitamin D and other important nutrients that their growing bodies and minds need. Milk should be served with meals, but water should also be available at mealtime for children to choose.

Thirsty? Drink some water.

Lunch time? Have some milk.